
Monday 19 May 2014

Word choice

Correct! You need a possessive pronoun here.
Your score is 85%.
Questions answered correctly first time: 14/20

This is my word choices exercise and I got 85% Score.
I got 14 questions correct. 

Monday 12 May 2014


If something is Biodegradable it will break down into the earth.
These things take 1 year to break down.
- woolen socks
-cigarette butts
These things take 5 years to break down.
-leather shoes
-egg trays
        -Milk carton
Non Biodegradable things do not break down
These ten thing are not biodegradable and should not be recycled.
aluminum foil

Xtra Maths

Today I did well in my xtra maths but I have to work hard on my xtra maths.

Thursday 8 May 2014

That was Summer

That was Summer

Have you ever tasted summer?
Sure you have.
Remember that time when you were eating ice block
or making ice blocks
and you were happy
as you enjoyed your ice block under the tree?
Remember how the ice block tasted
so sweet and sugary?
That was summer.

Have you ever touched summer?
Sure you have.
Remember that time when you were playing baseball?
Holding the ball ready to throw
and the ball went as far as you can see?
Remember how everyone cheered
and how happy you felt?
That was summer.

Have you ever felt summer?
Sure you have.
Remember that time when you were at the beach
playing in the sand or making a sand castle
and you were feeling hot.
And you had to sink your hand into the water?
Remember how lovely it felt
and how salty the water was?
That was summer.

Have you ever heard summer?
Sure you have.
Remember that time when you  heard birds making a song by tweeting
or seagulls chirping in the background and you felt joyful?
Remember when you were playing instruments
and singing a song in a choir
when birds outside the window joined in?
That was summer.

Have you ever touched summer?
Sure you have.
When you were swimming in the pool, jumping from the board
or waiting to eat the delightful food after the session.
and you stuffed yourself full
and went back into the pool?
Remember how you felt like your energy was back?
That was summer.


Monday 5 May 2014


Today I did my xtra maths I think I did well because I got lots right but I need to work hard.

Substitution Algebra

Today we played the algebra game.
To play you use substitution to answer the question.
It was hard because I didn't know my times table and did some mistake.